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Benefits of Acupuncture
How Acupuncture Could Benefit You
Millions of Americans receive acupuncture treatment every year and chronic pain is the most common reason for seeking treatment.
Acupuncture is an ancient medical art that treats diseases and pain conditions through shallow insertion and manipulation of very fine, sterile needles into specific points in the human body. It is a safe, painless procedure that has been practiced in the East for more than 2,500 years, with some references pointing to its existence 5,000 years ago.
Balance is the key to health. Sickness, injury, and the stresses of every-day life are things that can disrupt the delicate balance that is vital to wellness and vitality.
Acupuncture is a time-tested method for restoring a healthy balance. The World Health Organization (WHO), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognize that acupuncture is safe and effective for treating a wide variety of health conditions.
Acupuncture is used primarily to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions, including:
With that said, there is evidence that acupuncture for fertility is successful as acupuncture has been shown to be effective when used in conjunction with infertility treatments.
How about acupuncture for insomnia? Acupuncture has been shown, according to preliminary studies, to help treat insomnia. It has proven to be as or more effective in addressing insomnia than drug treatment. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture for insomnia, “Because its therapeutic effect has been shown.”
Some evidence indicates that acupuncture is also effective at treating PTSD and vertigo, as well.
There are more than 100 health conditions that have been effectively treated with acupuncture, according to the WHO.
Acupuncture supports healing and vitality. It is designed to heal, harmonize and enliven the spirit, mind and body!